Thursday, June 11, 2009

So, If the US Disintegrates...

...We would go back to Russia?
(This isn't exactly new news by now, but that's not a real high priority for me.) I remember hearing in the media about Russian Professor, Igor Panarin's prediction that the US would break up in 2010, but never realized that he predicted six autonomous regions for the lower 48, while Alaska will "go to Russia" like a territory that can't take care of itself. Hmmmm...I kind of feel insulted that he thinks we can't take care of ourselves. But if such a well known scholar says it is going to happen, he must be right. Maybe I better dust off my fur hat. At least it's better than being under the control of China like all you folks in the "California Republic!"


Standing Rock/Rhode Island said...

Dan says 'woo-hoo, we get the Euro!' :)

Standing Rock/Rhode Island said...

further, he says, "have fun w/ your rubles, comrade!"