Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I have been having trouble lately deciding what to write about on this blog. This may reflect my general stressful life right now with work and school, but there is more. It is hard to write when you don't have defined audience. I know I have friends and family looking at this blog. then there are those who follow my links off of other peoples' blogs. And then there are those who stumble across it randomly, either through a web search or some other means. By the way, the most common way people find my blog through a web search are the following terms: "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" "Fluffy lamb cake" and "Baked Brie recipe."

So I don't think there is really a solution to this audience issue with my blog. I am not going to make it into a "family only" blog, and am not going to pick one of my interests and avoid putting up all the adorable pictures of Emmy. We'll just have to settle for an uneasy truce for now between all of my interests and the different parts of my life I feel like talking about from day to day.


Zoya, Patrick, Nora and Stuart said...

I'm with you. Its funny, I just wrote a blog entry then checked your blog to find this post. You and I are having similar thougts on this topic!

Your partner in blog world,

Twofrogs said...

Dont retire your blog! I love reading it. So what if it's a mishmash. It's you.

We should video chat again soon...

Anonymous said...

Write what ever the "hell" you feel like that day. It seems we have all had busy schedules lately. It's your blog, but please don't stop posting those pics of Emmy, and of course you and Jeremy. I enjoy them so much, especially when comparing how big Emmy is getting in reference to the twins and Alyssa. The little ones are always such a joy to watch grow up. Love to you all, Faith

Grandma Sizemore said...

I agree with Faith.  Not only can I keep up with Emmy, I feel connected to you and Jeremy.  Thank you for doing the blog.  Love. WMS

The Yellow Porcupine said...

I think many bloggers (myself included) just write for themselves - any additional audience is a bonus. Keep blogging for whoever you want your audience to be.