Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our Own Ishmael, Famous in the KDM

You could only stay under the radar so long after that Palin Vogue cover!

The Kodiak Daily Mirror today published an article about Kodiak bloggers, featuring Kodiak Konfidential and a few others.  Nope, I didn't make the cut, probably due to my family-ish leanings on this blog, but that's fine with me.  It is just good to see how people are interested in this online community.  Maybe after this article all sorts of curious people will be checking it out.

In other news, llernartuq (It's messy out), qaningwakartuq (It's really snowy), imasugnaruartuq (It's kinda depressing out), macaliqartuq (It is sleet-ing), etc.  Welcome to February, Sun'aq (Kodiak) style.


Zoya, Patrick, Nora and Stuart said...

How do you say, 'Deep snow makes me very happy' in Alutiiq? Piugta

Ishmael said...

That's a great self-portrait. I could see it on the cover of a mystery novel.