Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Aurora Forecast: Thanksgiving

Forecast: Auroral activity will be moderate. Weather permitting, moderate displays will be visible overhead from Barrow to as far south as Talkeetna and visible low on the horizon as far south as Bethel, Soldotna and southeast Alaska.

I hope tomorrow night is clear, so we can enjoy the Northern Lights on Thanksgiving! If it is, they will be low on the horizon here in Kodiak.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kids Reenact Thanksgiving

This takes a minute to upload, at least on my computer, but it is worth a watch. A hilarious mix of adorable and tragic.

This takes a minute to upload, at least on my computer, but it is worth a watch. A hilarious mix of adorable and tragic.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Raven Funeral

From the Fairbanks Daily News Miner:
FAIRBANKS — Ravens have feelings, too, at least judging from an eerie scene Tuesday morning on Minnie Street in east Fairbanks.

After two ravens roosting on top of a power transformer were electrocuted, hundreds of ravens showed up within a minute or two and started silently circling overhead and perching in nearby trees.

Ravens and crows are truly intelligent. I remember hearing about a crow that was able to make tools from wire.I also remember a story about crows who rejoined their parents after their companions were killed off by west nile virus - showing that social structure and companionship is needed by animals as well .

Read the rest of the news story here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Back on the Rock

I have been traveling for the past week and a half in WA and OR. One of those whirlwind family trips. It was so great to see everyone we visited with! Now it is time to get down to business with school, work, and the holidays.

One quick gripe: Upon my return, I noticed they are progressing with the upgrades at the airport here in Kodiak. Whose GREAT idea was it to replace the (often malfunctional) luggage carousel with three large metal sliding doors that open directly to the outdoors? I and the other passengers crowded around each door as the single baggage handler put the bags through the opening and the harsh arctic winds blew all the heat out of the airport. It took a half hour to get all our bags, when before it took 10-15 minutes tops. At least before if there was only one handler nobody knew, since you couldn't see him. I hope this isn't permanent.