Emmy and I finally returned to the cabin today, after staying with Mom and Tony for a week. The trail had gotten so treacherous by last weekend, and with Emmy learning to climb out of her crib up in the loft, I just couldn't stay here. So we went to Grandma and Grandpa's and got babied all week. It still wasn't easy though, since Emmy got very sick, from Sunday through wednesday she had a fever whenever the tylenol or ibuprofin wore off, sometimes nearly 104 degrees. After I brought her to KANA for the second time they prescribed her antibiotics, for a suspected strep throat and possibly also a urinary tract infection. Now she is doing much better and is nearly back to her self. Since we spoiled her so much when she was sick, she is still asking for juice and goodies all the time.
In anticipation of Jeremy's arrival I lit the wood stove, and really outdid myself. It is 82 degrees in here and I am burning up in a tank top.
Photos: Emmy showing how well she can eat yogurt all by herself!